Friday, February 8, 2008

Journalism quizz

Which paragraph has been published? Test your journalistic knowledge by selecting the one you think made the news:

News title: Fairy Tale Couple Bowled Over
Topic: the break-up of one of the most loved couples in one of the countries in the world.

Version A:
The young lovers - both Christian - were feted as a fairy tale couple when it emerged in 2005 that they had started a relationship after meeting in Middle East where she was working as a teacher.

Version B:
The young lovers - both Muslim - were feted as a fairy tale couple when it emerged in 2005 that they had started a relationship after meeting in Middle East where she was working as a teacher.

Version C:
The young lovers - both Buddhist - were feted as a fairy tale couple when it emerged in 2005 that they had started a relationship after meeting in Middle East where she was working as a teacher.

Version D:
The young lovers - both atheists - were feted as a fairy tale couple when it emerged in 2005 that they had started a relationship after meeting in Middle East where she was working as a teacher.

Hint questions:
  • Which religion have you seen most often mentioned in news articles?
  • If religion is not the topic of the article, how relevant it is to know it?
  • When you know the religion, what type of information does it provide you with for understanding the plot of the story or the character of the people involved in it?
The right answer is B. The story, about a Pakistani/ Indian couple, was published in a local newspaper in North America and I couldn't find it online. However, after researching more about the story, I found out a lot of other online sources (see for instance BBC). The mentioning of religion has no relevance for the break-up story, at least in the case of the local newspaper.

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